Putting You first: it all starts with some questions…..

As women, mothers, business owners, employers, employees, doers – the list goes on – we have so much on our plate. What I’ve found through asking women in the Community is this: we all seem to have the same (or very similar) struggles, challenges, needs, wants….yet we keep putting ourselves last to ensure it all gets done. At what point…

How 10 years as a Realtor made me a better COACH

What 10 years in Real Estate taught me about life, health and Happiness (and ultimately made me a better Coach and Business Woman (Mom and Wife too): “You? ……..A Realtor?”   Those who know me know a few things about my personality,  likes and dislikes – and from these had the above question when they heard in the early 2000’s…

Switch off to switch on success (happiness…calm….)

  Let’s talk time-wasting shall we?   Because at the end of the day, I help so many women hit their goals; live up to their dreams and aspirations and win the day – and although everyone is different and the challenges are varied, MUCH of the lack of achievement until then has much to do with time.   When…

Keep it Simple – and SHINE (or…”stress better”).

“Breath” something so simple right? Wrong; many of us either are “shallow” breathers, taking in and out through the mouth – and thus our bodies can be without us even knowing – in a a constant state of stress.This can mean we don’t sleep well; can be agitated, losing energy and motivation to do things. With the lack of motivation…

How I lost 5+ pounds, 5 inches, with 2 new changes – to gain so much more…

It’s incredible how it took me to *after* 50 to finally learn what worked for my body.   From Instructor to Personal Trainer to Health and Life Coach to Facilitator, Speaker and Pound Pro (so proud of that one!) I’ve been in the world of health and fitness for more than 30 years now (which as I type that I…

8 Health Trends Your Mind and Body Needs This Month

I’m choosing 8 things that personally I feel worth looking at. As with anything; some my resonate with you, others not – that’s fine. But as with anything, I like to offer up examples to at least get the thought-process begun for people. Maybe reading this list will get the juices flowing for you and you’ll think of other things…

Why You Should Stop Rewarding Yourself … With Food

But it’s soooo easy to do, right?   I hear you.  But here’s the thing: when you reward yourself with food it’s “typically” a goodie. Something that you crave, enjoy and hits that sweetspot. Aaaaand let’s be very honest here, but if you are like most people – it’s probably got *something* to do with sugar, am I right? Here’s…

Updates: Where I’m Taking This Journey Now

So many places:   I’ve gotta say; I’m excited. For me, for my Clients and for those considering working with me.    You see, I’ve literally – at fifty-something – come into my own as they say.  And the lessons I’ve learned along the way; the passion I have to share my successes, failures (although we know they aren’t really…

9 Ways to Bring More Balance Into Your Life

Enjoy. What makes you smile? Just a little bit? But a lot is even better?  Do you do enough of it? *Can* you do more of it? Instead of rushing through life and not having time at the end of the day for what you love … (or who); how about sitting down with a glass of vino; music playing;…