From dreading to dreaming to doing!

From dreading to dreaming to doing!

The What:Weight gain: what’s REALLY happening?So many women think weight gain and any of the mounds of symptoms are a GIVEN when it comes to menopause. Before…during or AFTER.We don’t “just” become heavier – our body composition changes. On top of which….food intake doesn’t change to match this AND with many, activity decreases.The why:Many women gain weight and think “this…

How should I workout?

How should I workout?

Q’n’A: Exercising.Carolyn: We read so much about exercise but I’m still a bit confused: what should I be doing as I near menopause and become post? Great question!  We were brought up to slog it out; sweat it out – go HIIT or go home.  And yes, as with anything, there is a time and a place for anything. However if you…

The deal about Omegas

The deal about Omegas

What the ‘0’?About Omega 3 Fish oilsRemember; we literally are what we eat. And…. getting the omega’s into our diet is key for us; for so many reasons (and more so if you are of the menopausal age … check out our upcoming interview with Corinna Belizzi on this topic on my show “The Modern Woman’s Menopause Show/ episode available…

How to Exercise and Burn Fat on a Busy Schedule: The “T” Word.

How to Exercise and Burn Fat on a Busy Schedule: The “T” Word.

Lose Weight: How to Exercise and Burn Fat on a Busy Schedule: The “T” Word. In my fitness consulting business, I get the opportunity to talk with women especially from all walks of life about their health, fitness, and weight loss goals (amongst other things).  Whether their goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, stick to an “eating strategy” ), or…

Menopause and You: Cardio

Menopause and You: Cardio

Cardio over 40 – the what, they why and the how.It’s logical that many women get on a treadmill, elliptical, bike or otherwise (including running) not just for health but with the goal of losing weight.   I’ll begin with a guide of what we should aim for now we are over forty and/ or somewhere along menopause (that’s from pre to…

MUST-do reasons to work out for the body you have TODAY

MUST-do reasons to work out for the body you have TODAY

Have you ever thought about “How” you workout……….and moving along from there “why”? Why I ask this, is because so many still have this image of a certain body type being the “perfect” body.  And….year after year, women strive for this. Cutting calories,  and working out to lose pound upon pound so they can smile at the almighty scale when they…

Your hips don’t lie: how the pandemic has challenged our hips.

Your hips don’t lie: how the pandemic has challenged our hips.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. Jim Rohn It’s true. I was reading a great article today in the ACE magazine I receive and it was about this. And the message is too important to ignore ladies. While you’ve been sitting, the hips have been silently suffering. But….we may be finding that now…

3 best strategies I’ve learnt for sleep….when sleep doesn’t want to come.

3 best strategies I’ve learnt for sleep….when sleep doesn’t want to come.

My 3 favourite (and so far most effective) techniques. Lately not only has health been a challenge for me but we decided to toss a big move in there too (I mean, why keep things simple, right?!) aaaaand having just entered the glorious sisterhood of Menopause….you can see there are a few reasons my sleep has been pretty elusive.And yet… there…

Putting You first: it all starts with some questions…..

As women, mothers, business owners, employers, employees, doers – the list goes on – we have so much on our plate. What I’ve found through asking women in the Community is this: we all seem to have the same (or very similar) struggles, challenges, needs, wants….yet we keep putting ourselves last to ensure it all gets done. At what point…