One on One

No time is like the present; no time quite as crucial as NOW to get your health, wellness, brain and body health FIGURED out.  And I’m here to help you.

Work one-on-one with me.. From a 6 week (refresh/ gameplan) Program  to 6 months (and beyond) - curated for YOU as you journey toward, through or past menopause.  

Join me today for this incredibly powerful time - where you can find your sparkle and love you today.


Many women find they work so much better togetHER. So join me for one of my programs: be it online, in-person, virtual or Monthly get-togethers. 

This time is for YOU and….there is nothing like doing this with others. To feel he connection, inspiration, shared wisdom, learning, listening and love. Women do this so well!

Join me today - join this community and don’t feel alone on this journey any longer.


Join my Events; a day - multiple times each year - dedicated to US. These have been so popular; where women feel supported….energized…..Lifted up.

With speakers from all parts of the ‘menopausal’ journey; such as pelvic health, hormonal health, brain, body, emotions and more.  This day allows you to FEEL the hope.

Join me today and receive information about my next EMERGE event where you too can learn to SOAR through this time!