Am I being true to me?

How to be true to you.

I recently heard a song that really resonated with me since it really got you thinking about what you are doing - and basically if you are feeling fulfilled. I don't remember the group (it was actually on my Hubby's hard rock channel) and the words were:  

Am I just breathing...or am I living?

It was a deep question nestled among the tune - but got me thinking: what IS living?  I mean are you literally moving through each day; fast, furiously, going through the motions and *just breathing* as you do so, or are you moving with purpose, passion, consciousness and connectedness and *truly living*?

As I thought more about this question, the line in the song; as short as it was - being extremely powerful, brought up a few actions for me:


  1.  Checking in with myself to see which was true for me;  
  2. The reminder that being honest with yourself can sometimes be uncomfortable but here, my friends is where the true growth happens;
  3. That when we acknowledge where change is needed, we truly move ourselves forward (and it's an amazing feeling).


This activity got me truly digging deep and thinking. I think if we are honest we know that certain periods of life - and we all have them at one point or another - can yield times where we literally can be guilty of just "going with the flow"; moving through but not stopping to smell the roses and you can get to 5 years down the road wondering where the time went and trying to remember the important moments.


It all begins with one question to yourself:

Am I being true to me; am I just breathing or am I truly living? And what does living look like, feel like to me?

And: Am I willing to dig deep to create the change - even if I don't like what I see at first?  We need to get past our ego and look honestly within.  When we do, we can initially notice the things that we aren't happy with but then a beautiful thing happens...


You find you want to create change; feel better, DO better and in finding this feeling this then inspires you to move forward.


Too many people either don't ask themselves these questions OR feel terrible about themselves if they realize they've not been doing things for their best self.  I love to always help my clients turn this around; see it from a new perspective.  It's never about berating ourselves, thinking we've failed....I am a true believer in the fact that ALL INFORMATION - good or bad - is literally, well, information for us; it guides us, teaches us, moves us. 


We can move forward and improve as a result of it, or choose to stay the same and ignore it.


So... what to do?


Stay the same; no questions, or...


ASK yourself the question and then ACT on the answer.


There is no reason to feel anything resembling failure, imposter lacking.....THERE IS the reason to feel excited, proud, stand in your power, your knowledge and understand asking yourself the hard questions yields the most amazing, beautiful, prosperous results- for you to be proud, happy and move forward through any challenge.

A quote I read recently:

“Accept everything about yourself–I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end–no apologies, no regrets.” -Clark Moustakas

The fact is - the most incredible change happens when we are true to our self and ask ourselves the hardest questions.  Revealing yet Emboldening!


Coach Carolyn is a professional Health Coach,  Life Coach, Yogi, Speaker.  She works with women of all backgrounds, stages and wants who are mostly 40 and over (she's known to take on younger clients too...). She's passionate about helping women up-level their lives.  Are you ready to explore with her, what is possible for you?

Coach Carolyn