Let me tell you the ways!
And friend? It really, really, REALLY is possible.
And it starts within.
"Meet" Me.
I look like I'm trying to be a supermodel but I'm not. This is one of my favourite shots ever taken of me (by the awwwwesome Aroha of Hartistree Photography) because it captured the - at last - confident, not-thinking-about-my-flaws, loving-how-I-feel "me".
- And it wasn't down to just working out. Or eating right (both areas I *totally* promote, btw!).
- It wasn't the clothes I was wearing or the makeup I had to don for the photo session.
It was how I felt. It was my mindset. It was my happy place.
And it was new.
For me to not think of the jiggles, to not have a care in the world about what others thought. Was huge. And just 'one' of the many, many reasons I do what I do to help other women feel this good - is because I've been where they are in not loving myself as much as I should, yet learnt how to. And I can help you to also; just in time for summer (which I see it already is officially
We have to stop comparing. It can be tough; I get it...but the sooner you stop comparing to others' bodies, looks (*if* you find you do; and no judgement here - we've all done it) the better you will feel about you. Someone out there will always have more, do more, be more, have less....so turn the focus inward on what you can do for you and what you have to offer the world and let the rest disappear....
Go deep. As in look within. "Listen" to your thoughts. Reflect on them. Question them. And if needed....*change* them. (Only YOU have the power to change how you feel about yourself).
Move your body to change your mind. Oh how I LOVE this line! Full transparency; wasn't my piece of wisdom but doesn't it say everything? I get it; "who" wants to exercise at the end of a tough day? "Who" even likes to (I'm totally excluding myself here obviously....). Let's switch that around:
- Who wants to feel better? Period.
- Who wants to live longer.
- Who wants a strong *quality* of life?
- Who wants to love their body (I mean, that IS what this blog was about....)
- Who wants to be healthy? Strong? Sassy?
As it says: move your body (find a way you enjoy it and you'll never see it as effort again...) to change your mind. When you love what you do...you'll love the skin you're in (I sound like a Dove commercial.....).
Forget how it looks; how does it FEEL. Another line I've copied. Can't remember where I found it but isn't it great? It is bang-on. I mean, we ALL want to look great in what we wear, don't we? But....how about we focus on what we are feeling? This goes so far to helping us be body-confident for summer and always. For instance:
- Wear that bikini; look good or great in it - yet feel self-conscious?
- Then get it off that bod sister and wear something you feel GREAT in. Maybe a one-piece, tankini or shorts and tee.
- I decided a long while ago to (regardless of current trends which is freeing in itself); wear what I felt great in since I noticed some things I felt uncomfortable but there were definitely outfits I felt like I was on fyahhhh! I focus on them and it's been a game-changer.
Don't wait. Just don't. To feel better, happier, more confident and body-confident. It's doable. It's there. It's possible.
You've just gotta start.
Put it on and flaunt it! I wish more women would put on what they love and just go with it. No worries about comments; judgements, looks. Just if ya love it, wear it. If ya wear it...FLAUNT it sister.
Focus on YOU. Take the time to do this. It's not selfish, you shouldn't feel "guilty". It's important, needed and crucial to your happiness and to you feeling confident about all that is you my friend.
- Focus on what you are thinking.
- Focus on what you are doing (exercise/activity).
- Focus on what you are nourishing your soul with (important - shine from the "inside" out)
- Focus on being in the present; being grateful; stopping and smelling those pretty roses.
When you do this for YOU - you truly appreciate everything about you.
At the end of the day; your actions AND thoughts determine if you will be body-confident or happy in general. Try to focus on both to achieve these - not just one. Kick those diets to the curb. Toss those fads from the window. Small, simple, doable steps and thoughts and you'll be there.
Can I help you? Reach out to me below - I'd SO love to help you sparkle the way I feel I do! xo
Hugs, health'n'happiness,
Reach me here; you deserve to sparkle: