It is so easy to fall prey to the "must do something" in the New Year; must be more, weigh less, "become" that perfect person.......
Don't get me wrong; I am all for goal-setting. Goal setting that is exciting, empowering, educational and for the right reasons. IE, not to lose oodles of pounds in a week (slight exaggeration, you get what I mean hopefully); the fast fixes that seem so amazing rarely stick.
Embrace that you are fabulous as you are. You don't need improving. Perhaps some habits need tweaking to enable you to live a healthier, happier lifestyle. Perhaps the current times have taught us what is more important and we wish to focus on this. From health to love; friends and family to switching off and saying NO when needed; sometimes (make that often) the biggest impacts come from what seem the smallest actions.
For me: the last year was one of significant health challenges - however this seems to be a trend for me; things have always been a bit of a challenge since a young girl, but for me I see that as something that has made me stronger in itself.
However the pandemic has brought much home: that we really don't have to do and be everything to everyone. That we really can think of ourselves/ our health/ our family first - without the guilt of explaining. That sitting down on a chair looking into space for ten minutes with a cup of tea, isn't a bad thing and the importance of things such as breath and meditation being so important for our #healthandwellness; it's not always about the almighty workouts (says the trainer and health coach!).
Figure out what you want but more importantly: WHY. The *feelings*. The start of every year doesn't have to be about resolution after resolution to make you more perfect this year. Then feeling a failure by month three when they drift away. Instead; what if you lived a lifestyle and strategy throughout each year, that meant if you over-indulge here and there over the holidays it makes no difference?
And...can I talk to those middle-aged and more? Middle aged-ness (lol) does not have to mean weight gain. Did you know this? There is SO much more to our weight than genes, the weight being gained as 'expected' etc. It's about changing our lifestyle AS we age....and you will find the weight gain doesn't have to happen (ask me. I will help you).
So as you read all the messages asking you to be a better person now it's January. Keep your goals in check: do things because you want to feel energized, happy, healthy or otherwise. Perhaps you want to learn something new; and yes, maybe eating healthier and weighing less is on your list...I'm in no way saying this shouldn't be....just know as you make your plans, you are good enough; you are just trying to ensure you can feel the happiest deep-down inside.... for you.
Happy New Year
May be Older but those sparklier....
And...can I talk to those middle-aged and more? Middle aged-ness (lol) does not have to mean weight gain. Did you know this? There is SO much more to our weight than genes, the weight being gained as 'expected' etc. It's about changing our lifestyle AS we age....and you will find the weight gain doesn't have to happen (ask me. I will help you).