As women, mothers, business owners, employers, employees, doers – the list goes on – we have so much on our plate. What I’ve found through asking women in the Community is this: we all seem to have the same (or very similar) struggles, challenges, needs, wants….yet we keep putting ourselves last to ensure it all gets done. At what point…

Oh how I LOVED hearing these words recently – spoken by Susan Jacobs a Wardrobe and Image Consultant – as we discussed women, confidence, self love and showing our true, authentic, fantastic, funny, magical selves out to the world! (It reminded me of the time I was buying my new glasses – that I LOVE btw – and the adorable…

It’s incredible how it took me to *after* 50 to finally learn what worked for my body. From Instructor to Personal Trainer to Health and Life Coach to Facilitator, Speaker and Pound Pro (so proud of that one!) I’ve been in the world of health and fitness for more than 30 years now (which as I type that I…

I’m choosing 8 things that personally I feel worth looking at. As with anything; some my resonate with you, others not – that’s fine. But as with anything, I like to offer up examples to at least get the thought-process begun for people. Maybe reading this list will get the juices flowing for you and you’ll think of other things…

But it’s soooo easy to do, right? I hear you. But here’s the thing: when you reward yourself with food it’s “typically” a goodie. Something that you crave, enjoy and hits that sweetspot. Aaaaand let’s be very honest here, but if you are like most people – it’s probably got *something* to do with sugar, am I right? Here’s…

Let me tell you the ways! And friend? It really, really, REALLY is possible. And it starts within. “Meet” Me. I look like I’m trying to be a supermodel but I’m not. This is one of my favourite shots ever taken of me (by the awwwwesome Aroha of Hartistree Photography) because it captured the – at last -…