As women, mothers, business owners, employers, employees, doers - the list goes on - we have so much on our plate.
What I've found through asking women in the Community is this: we all seem to have the same (or very similar) struggles, challenges, needs, wants....yet we keep putting ourselves last to ensure it all gets done.
At what point do we change this? And how? I wanted to leave you thinking about this. We need to address what it is we do on a daily basis......what we want to happen each day......and HOW we are going to put our goals, dreams, wishes into action. To be more productive for ourselves and have more energy for feel we truly "shine" from the inside out...we need to revamp the HOW - perhaps even start from scratch.
So let's start with these questions; to see where you are:
What does your day look like?
Is it what you want, too full, not enough challenge?
Do you feel energized by the end of the day....or do you feel you need more hours?
Do you have the time during each day to make good, healthy food choices or are you too rushed.
Do you have time, or better yet, MAKE time each day to exercise.
Do you have YOU time....whatever that may be: relaxing, reading, listening to music, walking, cooking, sitting by the fire with loved ones, having a bath? Do you take the time for YOU??
Now onto the next step:
What would your PERFECT day look like?
What would your perfect week look like?
What would you want to have happened by the end of the year when looking back?
Lastly: Putting actions in place.
How do you need to change things to get your goals? Ideal day, week and year?
Where will you start?
Who will you be accountable to?
What small changes will you put into place to help you with a healthy, happy life strategy that works for your lifestyle?
What small changes are you prepared to make to ensure activity is part of your every day? Since as much as some don't enjoy this; it's imperative for our today but also our quality of life.
What do you want to see change? How do you see yourself getting there?
Lots of questions to ponder and to truly get to where you wish to be - it's a lot more digging. However these questions above are a great way to begin.
We can often put things off until tomorrow and this typically just keeps getting pushed back. Now you've read about using it as your impetus to create the changes for you.
Please SHARE so that the people who need some #inspo and to hear the messages, can.
Coach Carolyn xo Health Coach,
Life Coach,
NLP Practitioner and PoundPro
For Sparkles and Strategies, reach out