Ideas and possibilities!

Every now and then I "toy" with the idea of offering retreats.  I think they can be so powerful and enjoyable - and really, I'm all about connecting women and giving them the space to be themselves, talk openly and connect.  

Interested in me offering one? Why don't you fill out the contact form below and let me obligation on your part; but it just might take me from toying to doing! 

These I do.  If you are looking for me to either offer virtually or come to you, your group, book club, organization - wherever I may find you - reach out. When we feel happy, healthy, relaxed we have so much to offer the world.  I offer seminars on various topics - my latest being "Resilience" which is coming in very handy over the Pandemic. I was honoured to offer this for a Wealth Management Team for RBC; let me offer to you.

I probably should have put this one first since I *love* to speak - to small or large groups - I seem to thrive onstage. I've many inspiring topics - many from learned experiences and if you check out my "Speaking" page in the menu you will find the examples of who I've spoken for.   Let me help inspire and motivate your group, organization, class - I promise you, you'll enjoy! 

A last word...


My health philosophy: The SAD diet (Standard American Diet), is wrong.  The fast food, over processed, bagged, boxed average American diet has caused the ‘diabesity”, heart disease, and cancer epidemic in this country.  As Michael Pollan so eloquently puts it, “The only diet that is not compatible with human existence is the one we consume in this country”. 

But also; mental health challenges, fast-paced lives; being (or *creating* "busy" more than we have to; lack of connection with others and just. not. stopping. to. smell. those. roses) and more have taken our peace of mind and sometimes even the ability (ie, lack of time or energy) to make the choices for us that would actually have us THRIVE.

Let's connect: I will offer you four Simple Words That Will Change Your Life: you are worth it.  Using my simple ideals as a roadmap, I want you to take some time to enliven your inner wild child & embark on an inspired, empowering wellness quest.


Want to be amongst likeminded women?

Be the first to know about my Retreats and Events....all about helping women thrive over 40 and/ or toward, through and past Menopause.

There is NOTHING like doing health and happiness togetHER me below and get on the list for my next event!

Let's have fun!

From Body Love to Menopause. Strength to the calm and quiet of mindfulness; how to SLEEP better (you can!), how to handle stress better (you can....) and how to stay trim DESPITE menopause ( can....).

It takes making YOU the priority....putting in the effort - you are worth it right? That FEELING you get when you feel amazing, love how your clothes look and fit and being energized from great sleeps.....isn't THAT worth it too?

I will be offering some retreats and events in the coming months so stay tuned or drop me a line to get more info!

Did you know?

Info from a Poll done by One Poll commissioned by Love Fresh Berries in January 202 (US):

How many "diets" of fads people try in their lifetime on average. 126%
Percent on average that people gain lost weight back. 90%
Ave. % not happy w/ how they look in the mirror: 24%
Ave. % perplexed by diet science and info: 33%


Body View

(Refinery 29/ 2016)
Women Satisfied with body.

Body Love

(Refinery 29/ 2016)
Actual # of women *completely* happy with their bodies
Years helping women SHINE
percent no pressure, lots of fun, effective supportive +

Just so ya know...

You WILL feel badass after working with me!

Warning Message: be warned that you WILL have positive side affects.

You will gain so much information from me (that's *simple*).

All you need to do is begin.  (So click reach out).


Be Magnificent. Claim it. live it. own it. be it

Price Table

Please note these monthly memberships *include* can be paid monthly/ cancelled anytime (but ya won't want to!)...

Monthly ALL-Access
A fun option for your health and well-being and more.

All access to EVERYTHING:

  • Real-time classes
  • On-demand classes
  • Webinars on this Site
  • Membership to "Be Magnificent" Monthly zoom calls.
Monthly Real Time Membership
Access all REALtime classes - join a fabulous, energetic and fun Community!
Access all live classes from the comfort of your own home. Yoga, Meditation, POUNDfit, Core'n'more, General Fitness Access to monthly "BE MAGNIFICENT" zoom calls. (ALL levels welcome!)
Monthly on Demand - Part Membership

Access all ON-DEMAND classes and tutorials:

  • Yoga,
  • Meditation,
  • POUNDfit,
  • Core'n'more,
  • General Fitness tips and education videos too!.

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