It’s all in how you see it….

The importance of perspective.

I listened to an incredible podcast this am. About how we look at expectations. About how we think about these. And... about how these expectations and thoughts have the power to affect us down to the core; to our cellular level. As a Health coach I promote this way of thinking to clients daily however he made an added point about aging which I wanted to share with you all as we near, are ensconced in the journey or post:
A study was done on people for decades and they were asked at the start how they viewed aging. They split them into two camps: those who saw it as a negative. Hitting 50 means everything goes "downhill" (the women I heard this from as I hit 50, I will say).....that it means the expectation of weakness, in body and/or mind and so on.
The next camp saw this as a time to embrace. Time to do the things they love; time to work on themselves; that nothing would get them down and aging certainly wouldn't hold up their activity.
All those years later, those with the positive outlook on aging....lived on average and extra 7.5 years. That's not a small amount.
Similarly with how we view stressful situations; how we think about food we eat (yup...there is a physiological change in our body when we think of "diet" foods as depriving us etc), and more. They all have a physiological affect on us; WITHIN us.
So....let's apply this same thought to #menopause. We can think it's "the end" of something (yet in many cultures the "crone" period of life is totally revered), the downhill or... we can embrace it and say...
LET ME SHOW "YOU" how this journey is done, menopause!
Don't get me wrong; I know many struggle with symptoms and I in no way am making light of this and.....any amount of positive thinking may not help some - but..... like any fight we can push through, try and do what is needed for our body and mind. If it helps the symptoms, BONUS; if not.... then we are actually doing amazing things for our health and happiness regardless.
So think about this today; how do you view aging? How can you alter this #perspective if needed and..... how can you show others how it's done in style!