Finding the calm this Christmas.

Finding the calm this Christmas.

Take a breath this Christmas….Try one of the below methods to help create calm in your day….to take you from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest”. Christmas can be tough for many; and with so much to do from prep to post – can be one of the most challenging times of the year.  Why not try something from the…

MUST-do reasons to work out for the body you have TODAY

MUST-do reasons to work out for the body you have TODAY

Have you ever thought about “How” you workout……….and moving along from there “why”? Why I ask this, is because so many still have this image of a certain body type being the “perfect” body.  And….year after year, women strive for this. Cutting calories,  and working out to lose pound upon pound so they can smile at the almighty scale when they…

Your hips don’t lie: how the pandemic has challenged our hips.

Your hips don’t lie: how the pandemic has challenged our hips.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. Jim Rohn It’s true. I was reading a great article today in the ACE magazine I receive and it was about this. And the message is too important to ignore ladies. While you’ve been sitting, the hips have been silently suffering. But….we may be finding that now…

6 “S” words for less stress and less weight/ 40+

The 6 “S” Words you need to know at 40+: Sugar Sugar is a good one in general to get control of since it’s affects as we’ve seen are endless: from diabetes to obesity and more.  Yet as a 40+ woman it’s imperative to get your sweet-tooth under control (you are sweet enough already, didn’t you know?) since with sugar…