Updates: Where I’m Taking This Journey Now

Updates: Where I’m Taking This Journey Now

So many places:   I’ve gotta say; I’m excited. For me, for my Clients and for those considering working with me.    You see, I’ve literally – at fifty-something – come into my own as they say.  And the lessons I’ve learned along the way; the passion I have to share my successes, failures (although we know they aren’t really…

How To Be Summer Body Confident

How To Be Summer Body Confident

Let me tell you the ways!   And friend? It really, really, REALLY is possible.   And it starts within. “Meet” Me. I look like I’m trying to be a supermodel but I’m not. This is one of my favourite shots ever taken of me (by the awwwwesome Aroha of Hartistree Photography) because it captured the – at last -…

9 Ways to Bring More Balance Into Your Life

9 Ways to Bring More Balance Into Your Life

Enjoy. What makes you smile? Just a little bit? But a lot is even better?  Do you do enough of it? *Can* you do more of it? Instead of rushing through life and not having time at the end of the day for what you love … (or who); how about sitting down with a glass of vino; music playing;…