We are so excited about upcoming programs. Ultimately, MENOPAUSE is about women's health and brain health.
This makes it so much easier to know what to do... when we know where to put the focus, right? For example: brain health - things like meditation, de-stressing, connection and so much more come into play. Or... to sleep better we need to workout (correctly for our body and mind) and eat well. And... speaking of FOOD (always a favoured topic with me lol!) then it's nutrition, eating strategies and so much more.
Let's have FUN too. Connection is the name of the game!
Fill out the form below and let us know topics that are preferred by you - or add to the list. From Programs to Retreats and Events, we just can't wait.
We are HOT with excitement lol!
Looking forward to hearing form you Sister!
And, don't forget to check back here regularly or our FACEBOOK Page for updates. Bring your girlfriends in to join the conversation too so please have them join our FB page too!
Hugs, health 'n'sparkles,
Coach Carolyn xo
**Important when filling out form: Please move cursor around under "message" below and the SUBMIT button will be there** Thank you!