Why you want me on your ``Team``
Support, Cheerleading, Accountability and a few Sparkles for added fun.
Why? There are so many reasons, my friend:
Because I'm just like you (maybe I'm a bit more into sparkles and elephants but I'll bet we have some other similarities);
Because I have my challenges, worries, imperfections and concerns too.
Because I've struggled with both health seriously and body image; confidence; being assertive. I'm not saying you've had these same concerns - but I know you've had some concerns; struggles; wishes; hopes...and we can relate to each other.
Because I'm real: what you see is Absolutely what you get. I believe in true authenticity so you get this in droves from me.
Because I'm inspiring and positive. I'm not running around happy all the time. I too have my ups and downs, but through my experiences, education and work experience know the tools to use to get me back on track. I offer these to my Clients and as a result I'm known as someone who inspires and evokes positivity. I'm not going to tell you it'll be alright all the time; but we *will* show you how to see benefits.
And I'll hold you accountable. You aren't paying your hard-earned money to have someone agree with everything you say and let you be after the sessions. I'm your friend, supporter, cheerleader - yet.....I will ensure you get bang for your buck and hold you accountability to the promises you offer to yourself - to get that transformation you are striving for.
We are a *team*; it's all about teamwork.
Working with me; it's not me "telling" you the what and how to do. We are a team hell-bent on getting you to where you want to be. It's me helping evoke from and within you the answers; the questions; the knowledge (that *is* there) and the way you want to get to where you are going. I have the questions....that allow you to ask yourself even more. To reflect. Enquire of you...to learn and grow.
I think we make a pretty cool team already, don't you think?